
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Josephine's Knot

Josephine's Knot by Calico Carriage Quilt Designs

She's done!  I  love the border fabric--obviously, it's what I used to pick the colors for the rectangle blocks.  An easy quilt, sure to be a favorite of men--they prefer hard, sharp lines, to curvy, flowery things.  This is a long twin, 62" x 96"--should be a good dorm-size quilt for my niece after I teach it.

I plan to quilt this one myself.  FMQ is a real challenge for me so I'll probably stick with those feed dogs--I figure:  I paid for them, I'm going to use them!  Any thoughts on how you would quilt this??

Let's quilt!


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Works in Progress

I finally got to start a new quilt I've been wanting to do.  It will be a class this fall at my local quilt shop then a graduation gift for my niece.
This needs 3 more borders--I'll do those tomorrow.  The pattern is Josephine's Knot from Calico Carriage Quilt Designs.  Very easy, no triangles, just straight lines.  The borders will add a lot of depth too.  Stay tuned...

Last week I taught a class on hand piecing hexagons--English paper piecing is the technique.

This very old piecing method is enjoying quite a renaissance in the quilt world right now.  I think Bonnie Hunter of fame  is partly responsible for this. She has been working on an awesome hexagon mosaic quilt for the last 13 years--it's her travel project.  So many people have seen it as she has traveled to teach around the world.  Here is her Hexie project: Bonnie Hunter's Hexie Progress  Bonnie has a terrific blog I follow, she provides many photos of the places she is visiting as well as her trips to fun antique malls.    I work on mine when I travel--it's an easy to carry little project and will eventually finish at crib-size.

We are hot, hot, hot here, like so many places this week--over 100 yesterday with more of that in the next few days.  I'm picking blackberries early, making sure the potted plants are watered, then spending the rest of the day inside.  This is not my most favorite season!

What are YOU working on?

Let's quilt!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Still Crazy!

Our quilt guild is celebrating 25 years and had our bi-ennial challenge the other night:  Still Crazy After All These Years!  There were 27 entries, out of a membership of well over 200.  The voting is done by the members, so kind of "viewer's choice", with special awards for best theme, use of fabric, etc. 

Here is my entry--whipped together pretty quickly after I got talked into participating since there were so few entries;

The fabrics were leftovers from working on the Paula Nadelstern quilts--easier to use them than put them away and dig out something else.  The title is Still Crazy After 25 Fun Years--25 characterrs in the title.  25 silver 1" squares, 25 pieces in the sashing/borders, 25 pieces in each of the 4 star blocks, and it's 25" square.   It won 2nd place in the category--not bad until you know there were only 3 entries in that category!  Didn't do it to win, just to support the guild with an entry--always fun!

Yesterday I got the Peacock Love quilt back from the quilter so today I hope to add the binding, sleeve and label so I can give it to the lovebirds. Photos soon.

I've also been working on my Just Takes 2 blocks--one applique' yet to finish--and in early July we should get the next step for putting the second quarter blocks together and adding them to the first quarter unit--which means the quilt will be half-done!

Second quarter blocks so far

Like most of you, it's hot here so time to pick more blackberries for the freezer and another cobbler!  After mowing the yard this afternoon, I hope to get that binding in place.

Stay cool and let's quilt!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

New Block Swap

Like most busy quilters, I keep adding more things to my "to do" list.  Here's the latest--a block swap with about a dozen quilt guild friends.  It's an easy block:  X-block from Sharyn Craig's book, Layer Em Up!

I made these 6 blocks in less than an hour and a half, including pressing and cutting the fat quarters to cut 10" squares and sewing a block and a half without bobbin thread.  Fast, easy and forgiving, the perfect mix for group quilt projects!  Each person will trim their own--these have not yet been trimmed to 8.5". 

Right now, I'm in the process of finding 12 like-minded quilters.  I'll let you know how that goes.

Let's quilt!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Blackberry Summer

It must be summer--I picked the first batch of blackberries this morning:

With any luck, every 2-3 days for the next 2-3 weeks I'll get this many again.  The first gallon bag goes in the freezer for Christmas Cobbler--my sons don't get to enjoy these fresh from the garden so it's tradition that I make Blackberry Cobbler for Christmas dinner dessert.   The rest I eat for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner.  Invite us to a BBQ--I'll bring cobbler!

The trick is to keep ahead of the birds--there are several mockingbirds that think this is their private patch! 

Class yesterday was fun and productive for all 8 students.  Those making the large star had the most cutting and sewing so did not get as far along as those making the smaller star.  The book is "Simple Stars Beautiful Quilts" by Calico Carriage Quilt Designs.  It's an easy way to make stars that look difficult but are not. 
 Linda C.  ready to join those rows of her central star.
 Eileen W.  Made for a new grandbaby!
 Debbie D.  Her FIRST quilt and she was thrilled with her progress!  This is the center star of a large quilt, about 70" square.  Great job!
Kathy F. got her center row completed in class.  Now she'll add 2 rows to the top, and 2 rows to the bottom, a couple borders, and she's done.  This is the smaller size, about 36" square.

Brenda G. choose dusty batiks and will have a great quilt!

Of course, today I want to sew!!  After a few more household chores, I'll clean up the studio a little and start two new projects--both are calling me hard so both get started today!

Let's quilt!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Design Wall Monday June 11, 2012

Here are the five little quilts I made last week.  Three of the tops were done but all the quilting and binding was completed last week. 
I only have 2 more to do to be finished for the year.  Each month as I'm assigned a new swap partner, I may let her choose which she wants.  What do you think of that?  Would you like that option or prefer to be surprised?

Now I'm on to a twin-bed size quilt for a Fall class at my local quilt shop.  Hope to have much of that to show you next week.  I'll be teaching two classes tomorrow:  a simple broken star made from half-square triangles and Trash 2 Treasure, Gyleen Fitzgerald's pineapple method.  Fun! 

Check out what others have been up to at Judy's Blog.

Let's quilt!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Red and White and fun all over

Here are the Just Takes 2 blocks for April, May and the first set for June.  There is also an applique' block I'm slowly working on.  These are just thrown on the design wall--I have no idea yet how they will be assembled.  The second quarter layout will come in early July.

I've kept a spreadsheet and can tell you so far, there are 50 different fabrics and 1079 pieces--fun!  I've also listed the block name and the Brackman ID# if I could find it.  More fun!

Yesterday I got 5 small quilts sandwiched and ready for machine quilting, as well as prepared the bindings for each.  Quilting them is tomorrow's job. 

Check out what other folks are up to at Judy's blog.

Let's quilt!


Friday, June 1, 2012

Excellent week!

This has been the first week since tax season ended I could pretty much do what I wanted and did not have to go into the office at all.  As it's been hot, and now a cool front has come in, I even saved mowing the 1.25 acre yard for tomorrow when it is supposed to be a spectacular day!  So what did I do, you ask?

I made quilts, of course!  First off, was to finish 2 workshop pieces from Paula Nadelstern's  Simple Symmetry class 2 weeks ago.  All of the blocks came from the same piece of fabric but looked so different I decided to split them up and create twins.  Here is NIGHT:
And here is DAY:

They are each about 35" x 40".  Just tops so far but they'll get quilted later this month. 

Then I created a challenge piece for our guild challenge--it's our 25th anniversary and the piece had to have some silver or gray in it, and use the number 25 in some way--for example, mine has 25 silver squares that are 1" each.  I can't show you the entire quilt as it also has to be a secret but here's a sneek peek:
You may recognize the star point fabric--it's the Paula Nadelstern fabric from the 2 twins.  I figured, rather than put it away to start the challenge, just use it IN the challenge!  Now I can put it away.

Then I got to work on the June doll quilt for the swap I'm in--the person this is for likes brights, batiks, purple, green, etc--oh, that was easy!  Didn't have to go far to find those fabrics.  I'll get it quilted and sent in the next week or so. 

I also enjoy following some great blogs, some simple ones, some that post several times a day, some that post once a month. This week I learned of this one: Find a Friend Friday It's a place for bloggers to list their blog and you can quickly take a look to see if you're interested in what they write about.

Now I'm going to start on the Just Takes 2 red and white blocks that posted this morning--they are fairly easy this set and I'll have them done by next week.

Yes, it's been a productive week.  And today is my birthday so I was very happy to have lost 16 lbs since mid-April.  I only want to do this one last time--I've lost and found 100's of pounds in the last 15 years and they really have to go and stay gone.  Bet some of you can relate...  Only problem today is my son and his new bride are taking me and my beloved to Macaroni Grill tonight--my favorite place.  Just give me a loaf of their great bread, a glass of wine, and a salad and I'm happy!  Lots of hard work tomorrow should help

Hope everyone has a great June--let's quilt!
