
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Southern Super Star

I have started on a new project--making a Southern Super Star. The pattern is from Calico Carriage Quilt Designs. They sell individual patterns for an 80" square quilt or a different pattern for a 40" square. You are better off buying the booklet shown in the link to get a variety of sizes and ideas.

This Amish variation is mine--I have given away several of these and wanted one I could have for my own:

This is my "go-to" giveaway quilt. I  have made at least seven of them for nieces and nephews as college graduation gifts. The top can be made in a weekend, if you don't have to cook, and as I make them about 75" square they don't cost a tremendous amount to have quilted. That size is also not too hard to quilt yourself, as I will do with this one.

The latest one, 74" square. It turned out a bit more gold than I expected;

Over the years I have taught this many times--in the one-day class students learn how to make all the parts and can complete it easily at home. They are always surprised how fast it goes together. Several students have gone on to make more. It is easy to make them in college colors--I  have seen Super Stars for Auburn, Alabama, LSU, Tennessee, lots of schools. This will be on the summer 2019 class schedule if you are interested.

You make some of these:

And you make some of these:

And you make some of these:

Put them all together and you have this:

Add as many borders as you like to make it the size you want and the top is done. The size of the triangle units can also change the size of the overall star.

I have written about this class before, here is one such post: Class for Southern Super Star. And a few photos of these quilts:

Given to a  nephew

Student work by Donna D
Given to a niece

Given to a niece
It is fun to make this quilt as a gift for a specific person. Choosing colors that mean something to them makes it personal. There is a page in the booklet that helps keep you organized. I have saved most of them; that's good, because I don't have photos of all of the finished quilts I have given away:

Now to get this one quilted, bound and gifted.

THEN, it's time to finish the Lifetime Quilt so I can have my design wall back. Only 512 triangles left to make the final 20" x 20" block:

Let's quilt,


Sunday, February 24, 2019

Today is the Day

Today I am the "Guest Artist" on The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims. We taped last August in Denver, that sure seems like a long time ago. They tell you to bring the quilts that "tell your story" so I did.

NOTE: If you are a Star Member of The Quilt Show, you can watch the show now:  "My" Show  If you are not a Star Member, next Sunday I will have a link for you--the show will be free for you from March 3-10 with the link.

On Set:

Hello, Old Friend--this quilt was on loan from the Corporate Collection of  Quilts Inc, Red and White--By the Numbers:

One of my Favorites, A-Round With My Friends:

 Another of my very most Favorites, Pieces of the Past:

Stars in a Time Warp, yes, another Favorite:

If you are a Star Member of The Quilt Show, meaning you are a subscriber--the fee is $49 a year--you can watch the show today and for as often as you want for the foreseeable future. If you are not a Star Member, I will have a Code and Link for you next Sunday, March 3, which will allow you to see my show FREE for one week, March 3-10. You will only get the Link here on my blog on March 3. I hope you will want to watch.

Long before I started helping out with the Forum for The Quilt Show, and a few other little jobs, I became a fan of the show. It is a world-wide quilting community, like a really big guild, and there is so much content on the site. Of course, there are new hour-long shows every two weeks--I have watched them all and go back to some of them from time to time. But so much more. I wrote about why you should seriously become a Star Member here: What The Quilt Show Offers You

By the time you see this Blog, I will have watched "my" show--maybe even getting up really early to see how it looks. I might be just a little nervous to see myself...

The time on set flies by, and I know there is really good editing. The Staff and Crew are top-notch professionals--they make it look so easy. The camera crew works for several TV shows you would know, including with Oprah, so they know their stuff.  And the tapings happen at a first-class Film Production Studio in Denver, a very large facility.

In front of "Joyful Journey", probably my most Favorite:

With Shelly Heesacker, Producer Extraordinaire
The shows are taped before a live audience. Here is where they will sit:

It was interesting to see that part of the show, how the audience is kept entertained during the several hours it takes to get everything ready to tape. And, off camera, they got to ask me questions.

Alex and Ricky are friends of mine--have been for years. Still, it was never on my "bucket list" to be a guest--it simply never crossed my mind. BUT, when they ask: "Would you like to be a Guest on the Show?" there is only ONE answer: "Of course!"

My 15 minutes of fame perhaps. I  hope you enjoy it.

Let's Quilt,


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

For Sale #3

The fabrics and books sold really well so now I'm offering a dozen small quilts, mostly doll, baby or crib size. Some were class samples, all are priced to go to a new home. They are taking up space needed for larger quilts so they must go.

This the last Sale post for this year--stay tuned for regular quilty posts going forward.


1. Star with Borders, 19.5" square, $40:  SOLD


2. Double 4-Patch, 21" square, $50:

3. Ruby Baskets, 22" square, $50:

4. Christmas Star, 29" square, $75: SOLD

5. Baby Bargello, 24" x 31", $50:


6. Opposites Attract, 36" x 39", $100:

7. Oriental Half Squares, 26" x 31", $60:

8. Red, White and Blue Friendship Stars, 44" square, $60:  SOLD

9. Hearts and Nine Patches, 29" x 33", $70: SOLD

10. Scrappy Trips, 46" square, $75: SOLD

11. The Temperature Quilt, 31" x 34", $65:

12. Bali Star, 36" square, $60: SOLD

Feel free to share this with non-quilters--I know you can make your own but they can't.

Let's quilt,


Sunday, February 17, 2019

Label Your Quilts--the Future Will Thank You

Putting a label on our quilts is something most of us know we "should" do but a lot of us don't take time to do it. Recently, the topic of labels has come up in classes and on Facebook groups so we should discuss it.

Last Fall I was interviewed by the Quilt Alliance as part of their "Go Tell It At The Quilt Show" project. Amy Milne, the speaker at the guild meeting, stressed several times the need to label and document our work. They have several projects to document and protect quilters' stories for the future:

Quilt Alliance

About a year and a half ago I wrote a detailed blog on how I make permanent labels of all the quilts I make. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I send you there so you can see the steps I take:

Quilt Labels--Don't Leave Home Without Them

Here is a blog TIP: I found this post very easily--in the upper left of the blog is a small box with the orange B blogger symbol to the left and the magnifying glass that means "Search" to the right. I typed in Labels and every post I've written and tagged "labels" comes up. This is the first one that appeared.

Another TIP: there is a Tutorials page with a direct link--the button is on the bar with various pages, like my teaching calendar out of town. The Labels blog is one I show as a Tutorial. Most of my step-by-step posts get added as a Tutorial.

So, if  you are looking for things  on my blog you have seen before or you think I may have written about the subject, use the Search box or the Tutorial button--you may just find what you are looking for. You can always Google the topic, I show up there too but this is much more direct.

Here are a few more label photos:

The fanciest label I ever made. When the quilt has a WOOL batt I make certain that care instructions are clearly marked on the label. My husband thought I was giving this quilt away when he saw the label--"No, but I'm not going to live forever" was my response:

This quilt is hanging on the living room wall so the photo is not so hot. If there were more room on the label I would add that it was Best of Show 2011 Fanfare HQH show, juried in to Paducah 2012, featured in the book 500 Traditional Quilts and included in the 2014 Special Exhibit of 500 Traditional Quilts at International Quilt Festival Houston. Maybe it just  needs a second label:

Give credit to the designer if the work is not original:

Give credit to the quilter if you did not quilt it:

Labels ready and waiting. Two are for quilts I plan to finish this year--hope I don't have to change the date. Three are for quilts made in the past that did not have labels--I discovered that omission when I was doing my "The Journey" series of blogs last year. It's time to get them sewn on those quilts:

And, my all-time favorite label. The photo won't hold up to years of washing, colored inks won't last, but the black ink printing should be fine for years to come:

Please label your quilts!

Let's quilt,


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

For SALE #2

Today, I have books you might like. It is hard for me to get rid of  books and on more than one occasion, I have sold a book and later searched online to buy another copy because I NEEDED it again.

Maybe you will find a title here you NEED:

Books are grouped by type but are available as singles. Each book is $4 plus shipping, discounts for multiple purchases.  Shipping will be kept as low as possible, Priority is about $8, Media is about $4.

First, this one is brand new--I got two of them and it's so good I want to get this into your hands:  SOLD

$20 plus shipping

Now for my Classics:

1. Basics:


2. Little/Miniature Quilts:


3. Oriental/Curved/Artsy:

4. Design/Beading/Embroidery:

5. A Classic--I have a duplicate of this. The very first title from C&T Publishing:

6. Hand Applique':

7. Miscellaneous:

Reference book, Quilt History
Yvonne Porcella made wonderful clothing, here is how, a duplicate--SOLD

Every quilt deserves a label--SOLD

Great designs for quilting motifs and applique'

Use the Square in a Square Technique for speed
Set of great pieced blocks with Template Sets A, B and D--$8 total
If you see something you like, want or need, just let me know. Local, no shipping, of course. If I am coming to your guild in the next 6 months, I am happy to deliver to you.

Let's Quilt!
