
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

OK, so that's the most lame title of all, but what else do you say on January 1? 

I dislike the question "What is your New Year's resolution?"   Because for years, since I was 13 or so, isn't it obvious?  My husband of 35 years has learned not to ask unless he wants to be glared at for a protracted period of time.  Yes, of course, lose weight.  I'm working on it, sometimes more diligently than others, but I'll get there. 

Here are my goals for 2012:

1.  Make more quilts--and give some away.  Currently, I'm working on a Pineapple quilt for
Quilts of Valor.

2.  Use the fabric I already OWN--I have a sinful amount of fabric--someday I'll show you the closets.

3.  Get back to 2011 BOM, Ruffled Roses--I got off course last year and need to get back to it:
This is the first 3 months.  I'm doing turned edge machine applique', very cool process, but the prep time is my stumbling block, now that it's tax season again.

4. Keep up with the new BOM being presented by Gay of Sentimental Stitches and Brenda of Dear Jane fame.  It's called JustTakes2 and I have a button down below so you can find it easily.  I just learned of this last night--they were smitten with the Red and White exhibit in NY last March and have designed a sampler style quilt of many different size patterns for 2012.  You don't have to use red and white, of course, but I am going to because I loved that exhibition too.  Should be fun!

5.  Keep up with all of you, as time permits and I have something of interest to say.

6.  Oh, yeah, lose 10% of my body weight by "the wedding", then, lather, rinse, repeat!

So I wish you all a Happy New Year, with lots of love, happiness and quilts!



  1. I saw the BOM on Sentimental Stitches/Dear Jane. I love, love the red and white -- very striking!! I'm opting out on this one, so I'm glad you're going to give it a whirl and I can quilt it 'vicariously' through you! Happy 2012, Barbara! :)

  2. Thanks, Denise! Just means now I've got another project to "keep up" with!
