
Sunday, November 4, 2018

Secret Stars

In March I will be teaching "Secret Stars" to the Lakeview Quilters Guild in the Houston area. This is a great block and my samples show two completely different settings, a simple On-Point setting and a more complex setting that has BOTH on-point and straight set blocks:

A simple On-Point set

The more complex set I designed years ago
To prepare the Supply List I first like to write the handout so I don't forget anything students should bring. Because I made these quilts quite some time ago, I found it prudent to make a small sample of the complex set so I could double-check all the math--and there was a lot of math in that setting.

Here is the small sample top  I created:

I will give it to my guild contact when I meet up with her in Houston in about two weeks. This gives potential students a chance to see the class project "in the cloth". I just hope they realize they can make the simpler setting and still have a beautiful quilt.

All of my current workshops are listed on the Workshops Tab at the top of this page. Perhaps you'll see a class you would like to take. My schedule has a few openings in it for 2020, I'd love to visit you. We really have a lot of fun and learn a lot in class.

Let's quilt.



  1. This is really gorgeous ... have you taught it at Patches? 2019 is going to be my year of taking classes. I've decided that. Make sure you save time on your schedule for us local gals!! XOXO :)

  2. My guild really enjoyed your visit. The guild quilt show, Fine Art of Fiber, is on this weekend at The Chicago Botanic Garden. Nona's Feathered Star is front and center. A beautiful quilt. She credits you and your encouragement.

  3. Both star quilts are beautiful, but I especially am drawn to your more complex setting!
