
Wednesday, June 30, 2021


 It's time for Tall Building #2, Left Side and Right Side. This month we make four of each. 

Pam E's Tall Buildings LS and RS

Just like last month, they resemble each other but they are NOT THE SAME. Tall Building #2 Left side has 6 windows. Tall Building #2 Right Side has 5 windows. The doors are also different heights.

Again, I recommend doing all four of one side first before cutting out the four other sides. They are so similar it would be very easy to get the pieces confused.

This month there are only two pattern pieces for each Tall Building #2--the lower part and the upper part:

Follow the numbering order for which seam to sew in which order: 1, 2, 3, etc. The Add-A-Quarter ruler will come in very handy, as you trim each seam to prepare to attach the next fabric.

Remember to share your work on the Forum for all to admire. If you share on other social media, be sure to use  #colormyworld2021bom so all the photos there will be easy to find. 

I think you will find these 8 Tall Buildings easy and fast to assemble. Enjoy!

Let's quilt.


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