
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Another Beginner's Class Is Done

 Recently, a Quiltmaking 101 Beginner's class finished at Patches & Stitches, a local shop which has been in business since 1978. I believe it to be the longest operating quilt shop in this country with the original owner. I know of one other that began a few months later in 1978 but ownership has changed there.

Here are the happy students with their completed quilt tops:




Friends Cricket and Lynne



Two other students didn't have their quilts ready to show. I am sure they will get them done too. 

It s great to take a beginner's class with a friend--this often happens with this class and it helps each keep on track and going strong.

Years ago I used this block to make How-To videos for a website called Find it here:  HOW TO QUILT   I jokingly say I teach you how to make a quilt in 7 three-minute segments. Not quite, but the beginners find these short videos very helpful when working at home and trying to remember "What did she say?" Just know that it took 6.5 hours to create these 7 short videos. 

I hope to see these women in future classes--they got the quilting passion bug!

Let's quilt. 



  1. I did not know about these helpful videos. Even tho I cannot be called a beginner, i will probably look, especially at the binding video. I can never get the last step (connecting) the 2 ends.

    Is there a pattern for the shirt jacket you are wearing? I just love that.

    Thanks for all you do to help the quilting world. You are amazing.

    SandraB, Union, MO

    1. Thank you! The jacket is from Susan Eastman, no pattern but it’s so easy I plan to make another like it.

      This binding tutorial shows you a very easy way to join the binding ends—easy to understand and execute:

    2. The tutorial is also easy to find right up there under TUTORIALS: Beautiful Bindings

  2. When and where will you teach Quiltmaking 101 again? I know some people interested in taking it!
