
Sunday, October 30, 2022

GPDU -- MONTH 11 and 12

Here we are close to the end of Garden Party Down Under. Designed exclusively for The Quilt Show by Irene Blanck, this lovely quilt is sure to be a favorite in your family for years to come. 

Month 11 brings us the last vases--I call these "Skinny Vases". Here are mine in the sample quilt I made last year: 

Here are designer Irene Blanck's: 

I made a tracing of the circular flower for placement help. Here you can see mine is more oval than round but that's OK:

Once the two skinny vases for Month 11 are done, you can complete the left side of the quilt. Then you make the left side Diamond Border, either by applique or piecing--see my post on the Month 10 Diamond Borders for more information.

I liked these Skinny Vases so much I made them again, even though all my previous blocks were already put into two finished wall hangings. It was time to make one more project from my 2022 sample blocks made this year:

Month 12 has you make the top and bottom Diamond Borders, including a floral motif in each of the corners. Once that  step is done, your quilt top is finished!

One more step--upload a photo to the Forum for the world to see your beautiful top: Show Your Finished Top Here    Take a look to see really great quilt tops.

Here are the two wall hangings I made earlier this year with the blocks made as samples for the blogs and videos. It just goes to show you don't have to make a bed quilt if you don't want to:

Months 1 and 2, 38" square

Months 3-7, 50" square

In December I will have closeups of the quilting I did on mine. 

This month we have released BOTH Month 11 and Month 12 patterns so those who joined or renewed at the end of 2021 can still get ALL the patterns without having to renew for another year. Of course, I can't imagine why everyone wouldn't want to renew, The Quilt Show provides a lot of bang for your buck. I learn something from every show--a new show is released every two weeks. AND you have access to ALL the previous shows, going back 14 years.


The patterns are FREE to Star Members of The Quilt Show until December 31, 2022. There are many reasons to become a Star Member, the Block of the Month patterns are one. If you love this quilt, you can make it, just download and/or print and save the patterns in a safe place. After December 31, 2022, we will no longer be able to provide them to you, nor can anyone else. You will be able to buy them from the designer when she regains the rights to the  pattern.

Very soon it will be time to get ready for the 2023 Block of the Month project. It is a charming quilt, full of things to learn and I know you will like it. I am happily working on mine.

Let's quilt.



  1. Month 12 documents for Garden Party indicate there is a pattern for a label. I am unable to find that pattern. If the designer has created a special label pattern I would love it see it. Can you direct me to the referenced label pattern?

    1. I am still in Houston. I will track it down when I get home.

    2. Irene's label has been added to the Month 12 pattern. Use hers as inspiration for what should be included in yours.
