
Sunday, July 21, 2024


Recently the Sunday Sew and Sews met to show what they have all been working on. Most are doing Feathered Stars--I have written about that before: Sunday Sew and Sews 2024

Here is a look at their progress:

Susan C with her Washington Medallion

Mazie showing her bright aqua stars

Cheryl has a beautiful star

Donna has a plan and is sticking to it

More from Donna

Pam is making Fussy Cut centers to applique on her star--each is unique and amazing

Victoria has a space theme going on, very original and exciting

Victoria finished her Two For One--a great class I will be teaching locally in September and in Texas and California in March 2025. Such a fun quilt to make!

Jan is working to finish a long ongoing applique project with Feathered Stars in the corners

Peggy is working to finish SIZZLE, the 2019 Block of the Month for The Quilt Show, designed by Becky Goldsmith, great color palette!

And what have I been working on? Feathered Stars got put aside in favor of Oh, My Stars! since I need another class offering for 2026. I am very pleased with how this is coming along:

The handout I will provide to supplement the pattern instructions will include an alternative small star--one with points that "float". It is so much easier and faster to piece and requires far less precision than the large Lone Star blocks do. The look is the same, but easier and faster is good.

Both are 4" finished, the top one "floats" so the points don't touch the outside edge. The bottom one is the "precise" one, from the pattern instructions but made with 4 flying geese units for the star points:

The other thing I am working on "in the background" is plans for my next Joyful Journey Retreat March 5-9, 2025. In late August those who attended this year get the first opportunity to sign up for 2025. After early September those on the waitlist are invited to sign up. We expect a full house with 19 happy women who will gather for friendship, relaxation and lots of sewing. 

I plan to offer 6 of them the chance to make Oh, My Stars! as a class. They will work on this as their primary project during the day for three and a half days. This gives me a chance to see how much students can accomplish over several days, the way it will be at Empty Spools Seminar where I hope to teach this in the future. It also gives me feedback on my Handout and how it can be improved. 

My walk each day is my happy time, when I work out details of things I am working on. Or just sing along to my favorite playlists of music. Two hours most days, 8+ miles a day, I really love being outdoors. It has to be EARLY now with the heat and humidity or after dinner. Sometimes I do half in the morning, half after dinner.  

The other day I was excited to come close to this beautiful creature:

Great Blue Heron

I also see foxes often, young and adult, and lots of squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, and hawks. Canadian geese and mallard ducks are always at the two big retention ponds where I saw this Heron. I sure appreciate the air conditioning when I get done!

Let's quilt.



  1. Love all of the piecing everyone is doing. I am a fussy cut girl, so particularly love Pam's fussy cut centers!

  2. Every star was beautiful! I too love my morning walks. Here's to stepping lively!
