
Sunday, July 28, 2024


PICK A PETAL is the 2024 Block of the Month quilt designed by Jen Kingwell exclusively for The Quilt Show. It is FREE to Star Members, join today to take advantage of this great bonus. WATCH Jen's Show to see how she makes this quilt--it is FREE for EVERYONE all of 2024: Jen Kingwell Show 3401

This month we work on more appliques for the Log Cabin borders. Border 3 for me is the Right Side of the quilt. Which it is for you depends on what photo you are using as your guide--it's a square quilt. 

Jen's blocks from the sample quilt:

My blocks:

Happily, I FINISHED MY TOP this month! It will be going to it's new owner in October when I go to Houston. Alex will enjoy doing all the remaining embroidery. It wasn't my favorite part of making this quilt. I did enough to know it's not my favorite thing although I do enjoy handwork and will do more embroidery when it is appropriate. 

My finished top at this point:

I have been asked about the quilting instructions. The pattern doesn't provide any information on the hand quilting Jen Kingwell did on her quilt. She discusses the quilting in the Show #3401--you will want to watch that again.  

In December I will post many photos of her quilt so you can see the many ways she quilted hers. It is very free-form, no real specific plan would be possible to describe. 

Now I am eager to start work on the 2025 BOM--it's still a secret until later this year but it's a great quilt. And it's big: 90" square. Stay tuned...

Let's quilt.



  1. This one turned out great! Looking forward to the reveal of the 2025 BOM. Haven’t done one since Afternoon Delight a few years ago - and absolutely love that one.

  2. It is beautiful. I love scrap quilts! That was a lot of work. I can see why you would let someone else do the embroidery. They will also be able to enjoy the journey of embroidery until they are ready to quilt it.
