
Sunday, August 25, 2024


This marks a year since I celebrated losing 100 pounds by writing about my journey to good health. Find that post here: HOW I LOST 100 POUNDS

I wasn't sure I wanted to write about such a personal thing but was ultimately glad I did as many wrote me to ask more questions, tell me they were inspired, and to share their own success. 

A year later I am officially down 111 pounds from the high of 256. My current weight of 145 is perfect for me. Good clothes fit well, sizes small to medium, 8-10, just right. My doctor is pleased with all my numbers. I am happy and healthy.

The other day I walked past a house I pass just about every day. The woman who lives there was watering flowers at her mailbox. As I passed she said "Your transformation is astonishing. I've been watching you and hoped to talk to you."  Then she asked the usual questions, how much weight, how far do you walk, what do you eat? I gave her my business card so she could check out these few posts about my Health Journey if she was interested.  I thanked her for her kind words and walked on. Her words resonated with me--my transformation IS astonishing to me too. Other than earning the title United States Marine, this is the accomplishment of which I am most proud. And that's saying something at this point in my life. And it only took 70 years!


A year ago there was one bit of advice I left out. I call it the "10% plan". When I explain it to people who ask me how they can lose a lot of weight, they all say "that makes sense". So I will share it today.

It would have been impossible for me to say "I am going to lose 100 pounds" when I was 256. But I did say "I am going to lose 10% of  my weight". I tracked everything I ate in My Fitness Pal and still do, every meal, every day. And I walked around the block once and hoped I could get home. I started.

256 - 26 = 230   Goal #1. I made it and said "Now for the next 10%".

230 - 23  = 207   Goal #2. OK, now I am close to being in "One-derland", go for it.

207 - 21  = 186    Goal #3. I hadn't been this small in 20 years. Can I do another 10%? Let's see.

186 - 19  = 167   Goal #4. Wow, just 11 more pounds and I can say "I Lost 100 pounds." Let's go for that.

167 - 11  = 156  Goal #5  I was not sure I could get lower than that and felt great. It was 26 years since  I  weighed 156: October 25, 1997, I remember it so well and what I was wearing.  And how I felt.

156 - 11 = 145 GOAL #6, Last and Final. Body Mass Index says I am "normal" weight. And the last time I weighed this I was 24 years old wearing my United States Marine Corps uniform.

There is a 5 pound "buffer" to being 150. When I eat out or travel for a week or more, I am often up 5 pounds. I get right back on track and in a few days I am where I am supposed to be. 

It was FUN to use my 10% plan. I am a "numbers person", so this appealed to me. I set no deadlines, I just took it one day at a time. 

It seems important to show that a year later I am still fit and healthy. I have not regained those "lost" pounds. By the way, they weren't "LOST", I worked them off every day with a healthy diet and lots of exercise. I pounded them into the pavement!

I still walk at least 1-2 hours a day, 7 days a week. Three days a week I work with free weights to build muscle. In hot weather I look like this:

In wet or cold weather I look like this:


I workout at hotels when I travel:

Recipes have been shared over the years. Find all of them under the  RECIPES tab above. Some are holiday sweets, many are healthier fare. I eat smart and healthy 99% of the time. That's enough.

A few posts about my weight loss journey have been posted over the past year. For convenience, they are all available under the HEALTH JOURNEY tab above.

Photos tell the story best. 

Here are my 4 appearances as Guest Artist on The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims:





Birthday photos for the past three years:




My FAVORITE PHOTO  and my least favorite photo combined:

Before and After 2011-2023

A year from now I will do another update on my Journey to Good Health. Come along with me. You can do it. Just start. It's never too late to change your life. If you want your life to be better a year from now, it starts with what you do today.

My motto remains: BE STRONG, BE PATIENT, BE HAPPY.

Feel free to share this with anyone who might want to hear it:



  1. Well done on the weight loss, and even more so - *keeping* it off.

  2. Congratulations! Your weight loss journey is very inspirational!

  3. I am so happy to have met you, Barbara!! Congratulations on the success of your journey. You are an inspiration to me, and I will continue to follow your journey for inspiration for mine!

  4. Big congratulations!!!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸΎπŸŽŠ❤️

  5. I like that 10% idea. I might run with that…honestly walk with that! I haven’t clicked with My Fitness Pal, I joined last year reading about your progress. I always do better documenting. I will keep at it, so proud of you for staying committed, well done!

  6. Such an inspiring journey, Barbara! I do like your 10% idea. All of your techniques are great tips.
    I have battled 20-30 lbs., up and down, in the past few years. I am now about 7 pounds from my goal weight, and it feels good.

  7. You have no sagging skin related to weight loss. Does the skin eventfully shrink?

    1. I have some jiggly places but I’m ok with that. Very few get the privilege of seeing me naked. My exercise routine has me as toned as I am likely to get.

  8. Congrats on your anniversary! I think it's important to add that weight loss doesn't need to be FAST. Don't do 'denial' diets and don't eat too few calories. We can really screw up metabolism this way and the older we get, the less resilient it is. Activity and diet needs to be habits we can live with long term. It has taken me 2.5 years to let go 53 pounds as I obviously eat more calories than you even though I walk on avg 6-7miles daily. I am within 20# of my ultimate goal.

    Cheers to everyone improving health in our senior years!!!!
