
Sunday, September 15, 2024


September is when I get going on my Joyful Journey Retreat at Red Rooster Retreat center in Crane Hill, Alabama, even though it is 7 months away. Those who attend the current year are guaranteed a spot the next year. Their early bird advanced registration is going on right now. The middle of September I will invite others on the waitlist to fill any open spots. 

This retreat is different from the usual "open sew" retreats. The primary purpose is to build and foster great friendships among wonderful women who share a passion for quiltmaking. There is lots of laughing and learning, I am always teaching something, and our bonds grow stronger every year. My admin assistant Kathy and I put a lot of time, effort and thought into making this a special event the attendees don't want to miss. 

See these posts about previous Joyful Journey Retreats:

Joyful Journey Retreat #1 2020

Joyful Journey Retreat #2 2021 

Joyful Journey Retreat #3 2022

Joyful Journey Retreat #4 2023

Joyful Journey Retreat #5 2024

We limit the group to 19 total and I do expect to have a few open spots for March 5-9, 2025. If you would like to receive the registration information mid-September, please let me know right away. I maintain a waitlist of topnotch people who will be a good fit for this very special event. The cost is $475 for 4 nights, 11 great meals, lots of snacks and so much fun. It is payable with your registration. There is much more information available for those who want to join us. Don't wait to contact me if you are interested.

There are LOCAL CLASSES with me too. While I teach all over the country I still offer some classes locally. If you want to take a class from me and live near me, now is the time. 

One of my most favorite classes is TWO FOR ONE. I am offering it once more, and may not offer it again. I call it a "Doritos" quilt, you can't make just one. You will want to make more. Each set of 8 fabrics, from light to dark, makes two blocks, one DARK and one LIGHT:

Register by going to or calling Patches & Stitches. Class is Saturday September 20, 10-4 AND October 11, 10-1. 

QUILTMAKING 101--the beginning class for those who want to learn lots of tips and tricks to be successful at quiltmaking pieced blocks. This is being offered on 3 Saturdays by request, September 28, October 5  and 19, 10-4. I have found that having all day with beginners is far better than 2.5 hours over 5-6 weeks. Register by going to or calling Patches & Stitches

16 blocks made with basic Pieced Units

A simpler border variation

3 YARD QUILT: Here is a simple quilt that teaches the basics of accurate piecing. It only takes one yard of 3 different fabrics. Learn a lot in only one day, Friday September 27,10-4. Register by going to or calling Patches & Stitches

I hope you see something here that interests you. Don't wait to contact me about the Joyful Journey Retreat #6--when it is full, it's full. Don't miss out.

Let's quilt!


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