Sunday, May 26, 2024


 Recently I traveled to Searcy, AR to lecture and teach a workshop. It was a good trip that I really enjoyed.

The guild has about 60 members and there were about 45 at the evening lecture, Time Management for Quilters:

This lecture is always well-received. I often hear from people weeks or months later that they have been able to get more done after implementing some of the suggestions they learned. 

The guild is fortunate to meet at Harding University. The tech side was so easy. Plug my thumb drive into the podium and we were ready to go. 

I enjoy Show and Tell. Usually there is at least one Block of the Month quilt from The Quilt Show. Here is Color My World by Ellen, she did a great job:

The next day we gathered in this same great location for Charming Sampler, a fun workshop that teaches a lot of stuff in one day. Twenty students worked hard and everyone got a lot done. Since the blocks are small, 3" finished, it doesn't look like much but they really got a lot done:

It was lovely to receive a few special gifts. Kay Sherman, my primary guild contact, gave me this spectacular clapper, made by her husband, Richard. It is truly a beautiful and functional tool:

Sarah McVey, my chauffer, gave me a lovely gift bag of coffee, honey and a spinach dip mix, for a "taste of the Ozarks":

Before the meeting Sarah took me to a new quilt shop, Pins and Needles Fabric Cottage, owned and run by the guild president, Becky Boaz. From the moment I walked in the door I felt at home. An adorable, welcoming, artistic space, a place you want to linger in. I am so glad I got to see this shop:

Wall colors are so inviting

Color everywhere you look

Painted chairs were so captivating

Becky Boaz

As it was a driving trip, my husband went with me. That's most unusual. He chose not to attend the lecture and had to amuse himself all day while I was teaching. He came upon a car show where he enjoyed a few hours. All in all, it was a good trip for him too:

After a 6.5 hour drive, we ate dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant the first night, Guacamole Mexican Grill. It was good:

The next day we had lunch at a Chinese buffet--no photos because I have trouble with portion control at such places. But I did love my meal. Dinner before the meeting was with Sarah, Becky and my husband, at Colton's Steakhouse. I had salad and a wonderful piece of salmon, so good. 

Our final dinner Saturday night after the workshop was at a Mongolian BBQ place, Hubilai Mongolian Stir Fry, very close to the hotel. It was SO GOOD. You select all the vegetables, proteins and sauces you want, from many choices, and the cook prepares your stir fry hot and fresh. Years ago the Officer's Club at MCAS Cherry Point had Mongolian BBQ every Friday night--this sure brought back those old memories. I wish there was a place like this here, we would be regulars. 

We stayed at the Hampton Inn where I got my usual oatmeal and hard boiled egg breakfast:

Each day I did at least one hour on the treadmill. I always expect to gain a few pounds while away from home, this trip I was up 3 pounds. But the next day 2 of those were gone and the second morning home I was back to the same weight as the day I went on the trip. Getting right back to my normal routine does the trick.

It was an enjoyable trip for both of us. I have already been asked if I would return so this may not be my last trip to Searcy. Thanks to the White County Quilters!

Let's quilt,



  1. Sounds like a great teaching trip. That clapper is incredible!!

  2. Gosh, I wish I would have known. This is my neck of the woods, well, within a couple hours drive anyway. Would have loved to meet you even though it feels like we are already old friends.

  3. Thank you for your kind post about my shop! It was a joy to have you in the shop and at the guild!

  4. I have 3 bags of quilting materials. They are free to any quilter who wants them. Searcy. One is satin and brocade. Other two are mixed fabrics.
