Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Little of This, Little of That

Just a few things, none of which demand their own post, sort of a "Miscellaneous" Post.

1. Both my garments for Houston are done, in September--yeah!!  The blue fabrics are Michael Miller, selected to help celebrate the Sapphire Celebration 45th Anniversary of International Quilt Festival in Houston. I love the way this turned out and the fit is perfect.

Indygo Junction Contemporary Kimono
These fabrics are from Art Gallery Fabrics, the Indie Folk Collection. I love the fabrics but wish I had used the Kimono pattern for this too. The pattern I used is from the early 90's and it is too big--I think I will take in the side seams a bit, without taking it apart--no, that is no happening. The back hem also swoops down, even though I cut a lot off and thought I had fixed that. With a dark top and black slacks it will be fine.
Nonaim Jacket from Design and Planning Concepts
UPDATE: I took in the side seams 1.5" on both sides, it fits better but it's not as good as if I had made a smaller size. SO, I made a tunic from the leftover fabric--this fits well and is easy to wear:

2. Last week I finished this quilt for my niece who graduated from Harvard in May. I wrote about the quilting here.

After quilting and binding it, I washed and dried it, mostly to be sure those dark blues didn't run. I laid it on the guest bed until I could box it up and that's when I saw--the center diamond I missed quilting! Good thing I checked. Back under the needle to finish that diamond and it was ready to go and it is now in her possession:

3. Next up for quilting is my Sizzle--Warm--it needs to be done to take to Houston in 4 weeks. I've just about got the thread colors figured out and will start the quilting this week. 

4. Our family celebrated two birthdays this weekend: Sam, Mr. ONE-derful, turned ONE--he is such a happy little guy:

Sam and BB
The next day my eldest son, Joshua Black Wilkins, turned 40! That doesn't seem possible since I think I'm only 39. He is a professional photographer and musician, and lives in Nashville--glad he could make the 2.5 hour drive for Sam's party:

I don't get the "Smash Cake" event but apparently that's a "thing"--Sam loved it, his Dad painted on icing eyebrows, and many photos were taken. He appeared to be in a sugar coma but kept both hands going. He likes cake!

After Sam was given a bath, there were more photos. The rest of the family, my younger son Andrew Black Wilkins and his wife, Lauren, with Sam and Stella, 4: 

Lest he be left out, my beloved, my better half, the father of my children and love of my life, Charles "Will" Wilkins. He just loves being PopPop!

So, that is what and who keep me busy.

And: RETREAT UPDATE--only TWO spots remain for the first Joyful Journey Retreat--get more info HERE and send me an email for the brochure. It's going to be a lot of fun!

Let's quilt.



  1. So fun to get together with family!!

  2. The Kimono Jacket is really pretty. Too bad jacket #2 didn't turn out to your liking. I like the look of the easy wear tunic.
    Isn't it funny what we overlook sometimes in our quilting?
    Sizzle Warm just grabs me--can't wait to see how you quilt it.
    Looks like some great times with family. Little Sam is a doll.
