I recently learned to make excellent guacamole. It's not something I ever made before this summer but it is now a staple for me. If you invite me to a cookout, I'll bring the guac--and maybe a blackberry cobbler.
Here is one batch. I got the recipe from an awesome Texas friend so I call it Guacamole ATX:
small bowl is one serving, large bowl is 5 servings |
RECIPE FOR AWESOME GUACAMOLE ATX 6 servings, more or less:
3 ripe avocados--save the pits
1 jalapeno, cored and diced small
1/2 cup diced red onion, diced small
1 Roma tomato, cored and chopped small, remove the juicy part--eat it while you make the guac
1 Tablespoon fresh lime juice, approximately 1 small lime
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
Smash the avocados in a bowl, add remaining ingredients, combine well.
Put the pits in the serving/storage bowl then put the guacamole in the bowl. The pits help keep the guac from turning brown in the refrigerator over several days.
1. Knowing when avocados are ripe enough is a skill that takes time to learn. Rock hard from the store, I let them sit on the counter for 2-4 days until they are "sort of" soft. Buying 3 at a time, it is not unusual two will be ready in 2 days and the third takes longer. Crunchy avocado is not what you want. The soft two can be kept in the refrigerator while the slowpoke takes another day or two on the counter.
2. My friend neglected to tell me the pit trick, incorrectly assuming everyone KNOWS THIS. As a Yankee who didn't eat guacamole until 5 years ago, I did not know the trick. It REALLY WORKS. My first batch was brown the second day, still tasted fine but was less appealing in appearance. That's when I learned the trick. Each batch since has stayed nice and bright green for up to the full week it takes me to eat this entire batch. If you make it for a gathering there will not be any left so you could leave the pits out of the bowl.
3. Experiment with the ingredients. I use 1 teaspoon of cumin because I love that flavor. I use the juice of two small limes because I love the flavor. This latest batch I used two jalapenos because I had two. Add cilantro if you like that flavor. Cilantro is one of those things: you either love it or think it tastes like soap. I love it but my friend is in the soap camp so no cilantro in this batch.
4. This is easy to double. If making it for a gathering I recommend you do. Everyone is going to want the recipe so send them here to find this post. They will thank you!

Costco had some great Veggie Crisp crackers recently that were wonderful with the guacamole. Veggie Crisps, Sea Salt and Black Pepper, Off the Eaten Path brand:
One morning I had it for breakfast on high fiber bread. This was so filling I only ate one of the eggs:
Enjoy this healthy snack while avocados are plentiful and yummy.
Now, let's quilt!