This quilt is the 2023 Block of the Month quilt for The Quilt Show. It was designed by Sarah Fielke exclusively for The Quilt Show and is only available at The Quilt Show. The best news is it's FREE for Star Members of The Quilt Show. Each month in 2023 a new part of the quilt is released for download to Star Members.
As always, watch any Videos that are provided to supplement the pattern instructions.
This month we add the 4 Hearts to the pieced borders made last month. Then we complete those borders and add them to the center of the quilt:
Follow the directions in the pattern to create the pieced border. Take care to have the light fabrics facing into the center of the quilt and the darker fabrics facing out, if you want your quilt to look like Sarah's. I did not do that with the Month 5 border and I also didn't have the Kit at that time so some of my fabrics in Month 5 are different from the Kit. My Month 10 HST units are exactly like the pattern.
You will add 4 of Star A made in Month 6 to the four corners of the pieced borders. Nice to have those done already, right?
Now we make the 12 Cabins for the last border, Cabins A and B.
CABIN A Wall Fabric: Tiny Dots CANDY make 8 of these
CABIN B Wall Fabric: Tiny Dots PEACHY make 4 of these
CUTTING SUGGESTION FOR THE ROOF: The pattern shows how to make the Roofs from Flying Geese units, FOUR AT A TIME. The cutting measurements are EXACT SIZES--everything has to be perfect for the roofs to come out the correct size--the marking, cutting, sewing and pressing. I prefer to use larger sizes so I can Trim to Perfection.
I cut the Roof Fabric 5.5" square. The background fabric squares need to be 3 1/8" square. To QUICKLY DRAW THE DIAGONAL LINES on the background fabric, I cut the square 6.25", drew the diagonal lines on the wrong side, then cut the 6.25" square into FOUR small squares, each 3 1/8".
The Roof units are made Four at a Time, just as I showed for making the Star Point units in Month 6. Find that blog here:
Four Flying Geese at Once That blog also has a direct link to my full TUTORAL on this method.
Similar to the center cabin, these little cabins have SMALL PIECES. I found it helpful to create a pattern in Electric Quilt so I could be sure of the cut sizes. We are not providing this pattern--you can always draw it out for yourself if you like. My page shows the sizes of the 4 units:
I did not paper piece the units as each was small and I didn't want to make all those little units with paper. I pieced it just as the instructions say.
When piecing such small units, accuracy is so important. I strongly recommend you check EACH SEAM as it is sewn. This tip I learned from Sally Collins, the master of making small blocks. To IMPROVE ALL YOUR PIECING, watch her show:
Here are photos showing how I checked each seam as I went. You want to find the mistake as soon as it happens, not after you do the next step:
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A 1" piece sewn to a 1" piece should be 1" x 1.5"--this needs trimming on the peach side |
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Adding the 1" x 1.5" peach piece makes this 1" x 2.5", more trimming needed |
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Adding a 1" x 2.5" wall makes this 1.5" x 2.5" |
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Adding the other wall makes this 2" x 2.5" There are TWO of these units |
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The Door unit is 1.5" x 2.5" Some trimming needed here on the peach |
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The bottom half of the Cabin is 2.5" x 4.5" Trim to perfection |
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The back of the units showing how I pressed the seams
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Completed Cabins are 4.5" square, including seam allowances
When checking for accuracy, use the FINISHED SIZE OF EACH PIECE, then add the 1/2" seam allowances to determine what size the unit should be.
That is it for this month. Next month we make the stair-step pieced units for the outer border and it's all done!
We are getting toward the end of this year. The MOST IMPORTANT ADVICE I HAVE FOR YOU: be sure to SAVE, COPY, PRINT, whatever method you prefer, ALL THE PATTERNS before DECEMBER 31, 2023. After that, all rights to the patterns return to Sarah Fielke, the designer. We cannot give anyone these patterns after that date, and no one else here can legally give them to you either. Please be proactive in saving what you still need so you can finish without having to BUY missing months.
Let's quilt.