Sunday, October 20, 2019

Kindness is Free

Recently, I was at a Panera Bread with a friend. She asked for a coffee after her main order had been paid for. The young cashier Haley, mid-20's I'd say, gave her a coffee cup and said "This is on me". My friend was surprised, offered to pay anyway, and said "Thank you" when the clerk said she could not pay for it.

My friend went to get her coffee. The clerk said to me:


Wow, what a statement.

She followed it with: "So is hatred--kindness is better."

I think this will be my  new mantra, Kindness is Free.

The next time someone says something ugly and I am inclined to fight back, I hope I will have the grace to simply say:

Kindness is Free.

That ought to be enough.

Feel free to share this widely--more kindness in the world would be a good thing.

Let's quilt.
